
Letters to the Editor: Time for Hollywood to boycott states trying to overturn Roe vs. Wade

Anti-abortion activists protest at Supreme Court.
Anti-abortion activists protest outside the Supreme Court in 2019.
(Jose Luis Magana / Associated Press)

To the editor: In this 48th year since the landmark U.S. Supreme Court decision upholding a woman’s right to an abortion, one state has the temerity to enact a law that blatantly contravenes Roe vs. Wade. (“State lawmakers continue crusade against Roe vs. Wade with flood of new abortion bills,” April 22)

Arkansas, which has long called itself “Land of Opportunity,” has become the land of misogynistic subjugation. Now an impregnated victim of a rapist must bear his offspring. This is all because some pious politicians proclaim that zygotes are “unborn children” that must be carried to a full-term birth.

I hope Hollywood movie producers opt to boycott Arkansas, though I would make an exception for filming of “The Handmaid’s Tale.”


Sarah S. Williams, Santa Barbara


To the editor: I am an old guy, so I still remember how it was for many women.

When I graduated high school, most female students quickly became wives and mothers, and some already were. Career options were being secretaries, nurses or teachers (until they got married).

Realistically, there weren’t a lot of options. Having sex meant having babies, not careers.

I was a science major in college, and most of my classmates were men. When birth control and legal abortion came along, it allowed women finally to more fully experience their freedoms. Many flourished, becoming doctors, scientists, engineers and more.


Anti-choice zealots want to take away all that and send women back to their “proper role” of making babies. I’m thankful my daughters live in a state where they control their own bodies. I wish all women could escape those repressive states and have their freedom.

Phil Beauchamp, Chino Hills
