
Letters to the Editor: Congratulations on that editorial writing Pulitzer, L.A. Times, but ...

Nighttime view of the Los Angeles Times building from Imperial Highway.
The Los Angeles Times building on Imperial Highway in El Segundo.
(Los Angeles Times)

To the editor: Congratulations to The Times for its well-deserved Pulitzer Prize for the editorial writing of Robert Greene. Frankly, I have found many editorials by The Times to be award-worthy, and it is comforting to know I am not alone in this view.

It saddens me that The Times is not as robust as it was before folks stopped reading newspapers and books. However, I cherish the pages of reporting that I get to read each day and hope someday that folks awaken to the need for getting informed from reliable sources such as the Los Angeles Times.

Terry Shenkman, Culver City


To the editor: Prominent among the editorials that won Greene a Pulitzer Prize was his analysis of the horribly misguided 1980s war on drugs. Ironically though, the media were its biggest cheerleaders.


Who among us who was alive and reading the press at the time does not remember the media-generated hysteria over drug use? How nice that, 40 years later, journalists can reassess this era.

But what about now? There are still thousands of people, a large percentage minority, who are still locked up in federal prison for drugs. The war on drugs still feeds the ability of wayward police officers to harass Black men.

Don’t wait another 40 years to take up this cause.

Gerald Kamin, Sherman Oaks
