
Aromatic Vinegar

Time 15 minutes
Yields Makes 2 cups
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Vinegar is a condiment. It gives a dash of brilliance to just about everything it touches. Its kiss of acid causes us to sit up straight and exult at the deliciousness of whatever we’ve seasoned with it. Chef and cookery writer Deborah Madison talks about it “brightening” food. In “The Greens Cookbook,” she taught us to not just make lentil and spinach soup but to revive it just before serving with an invigorating lick of red wine vinegar.

Infusing a good vinegar with fresh herbs adds a dimension of flavor and complexity to the brightness that the acid brings.

Leftover mixed herbs would go nicely in an omelet or vinaigrette.

From the story: Bite in a Bottle

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Reduce the vinegar by half over high heat (the fumes are choking--close the kitchen door and open a window), about 6 to 8 minutes. Remove it from the heat and add the garlic, bay leaf, Mixed Herbs, sage, cloves and coriander. Leave it covered for several hours or overnight. Place a cloth or several pieces of cheesecloth over a funnel and strain the vinegar into a bottle.


Makes 2 cups

Mixed herbs


Cultivated marjoram may, by all means, be added and, if one likes, a couple of leaves each of sage and dried mint, crumbled finely.


Combine the savory, thyme, oregano, rosemary and bay leaf. Store in a small, tightly closed jar.


Makes about 5 tablespoons.

From “The French Menu Cookbook” by Richard Olney.