
No fireworks and no people in Newport...

No fireworks and no people in Newport

I read with interest the article, “Plans for a safe and sane

Fourth” in Tuesday’s Daily Pilot.

It appears that Newport Beach’s primary goal is keeping people

out. In fact, Mayor Tod Ridgeway’s comment, “We’re ever-hopeful that

the fireworks in Huntington Beach will draw people away from West

Newport this year,” proves it. It must be nice to live in a city

that’s so successful that it doesn’t need, or want, people to visit

and spend their money.

So, I have a suggestion. I recommend that everyone in Costa Mesa

stay away from Newport Beach this year. I recommend that everyone in

Newport Beach who does not agree with tripling fines and overly

aggressive policing leave Newport Beach over the Fourth.

I recommend that those who agree with me tell everyone they know

from out of the area, especially those “909ers,” to do the same. We

can make Ridgeway happy and take our business to Huntington Beach

where they seem to want it. Then, Newport Beach will be nice and

quiet for the holiday. The merchants will all go broke, but it will

be nice and quiet.


Costa Mesa

Church fulfills need

for teen center

We have lived in Newport Heights for more than 40 years and have

been members of St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church for more than 30


We have seen over the years the great contributions St. Andrew’s

has -made to the community.

With St. Andrew’s being so close to Newport Harbor High and Ensign

Junior High, we have a great need for youth-oriented programs. St.

Andrew’s can provide a safe and healthy haven for the many teenagers

at these two large schools.

Please support our church’s effort to address the needs of our


Thank you for your support for St. Andrew’s Youth Family Center.


Newport Beach
