
Get It On to keep the red off

Alicia Robinson

When Jeff Crane was diagnosed with skin cancer two decades ago, he

hoped it wouldn’t spread, but an idea grew as a result.

The Newport Beach entrepreneur’s experience with cancer spurred

him to develop a better sunscreen to protect his children and anyone

who is active outdoors. After several years spent developing Get It

On sunscreen, Crane recently began selling it in surf shops and drug


Crane grew up in Newport Beach and spent much of his time

outdoors. When the 44-year-old was younger, the sunscreens available

weren’t waterproof, so they offered little protection to people who

like the water.

“I’d be out surfing for eight hours and just get toasted,” he


All that sun took its toll on Crane’s fair skin. He was first

diagnosed with skin cancer when he was 24 and has since had numerous

medical procedures to remove it.

After a move to Atlanta and success in the printing business,

Crane moved back to Newport Beach and decided he wanted to make sure

his three sons, who have the same blond hair and fair coloring he

does, were protected from the sun.

He did some online research and connected with Bill Kling, a

chemist in Dallas who makes skin care products. The two came up with

a formula for a water-based, waterproof sunscreen that uses zinc as

its active ingredient.

“The only way you can take it off is soap and water,” Crane said.

“It’ll stay on all day.”

Get It On doesn’t contain oil or alcohol as some sunscreens do, so

it won’t make the sand stick to you or sting if it gets into your

eyes, Crane said.

And it has another quality that appealed to Newport Beach

Lifeguard Capt. Reenie Boyer: It’s available in the large quantities

needed by lifeguards.

“We selected it because it comes in a gallon container with a

squirt top,” she said.

Some city employees and junior lifeguards have been using Crane’s

sunscreen for about a week. Boyer said it’s too early to tell how

effective it is.

“We’re happy with its convenience and it has a good sun-protection

rating, so hopefully it works,” she said.

Crane said it’s important to apply lots of sunscreen to any

exposed skin. He started his company hoping to protect people from

skin cancer, and now his product is starting to get noticed, he said.

“A lot of the challenge is getting it out there because a lot of

people won’t want to try a new product,” he said.

It’s hard work, but Crane said he’s enjoyed running the business

because it allows him to spend more time with his children, in

addition to other perks.

“Going from wearing a suit and tie every day to wearing a bathing

suit and T-shirt is just awesome,” he said.

For more information on Get It On sunscreen, visit
