
McLain trio are the new Bash Brothers at Beckman High, UCLA and Arizona State

In the McLain household, they probably don’t let you in the door unless your batting average is .300 or higher.

Right now, Nick McLain, a senior at Irvine Beckman High, has bragging rights over brothers Sean and Matt, who play for Arizona State and UCLA, respectively.

Nick is 20 for 39 (.513) with seven doubles, four triples and one home run.

Sean is keeping up the pressure, leading Arizona State with a .371 average, including 46 hits.

Matt leads the family in home runs with nine while batting .324 for UCLA.

“I think Reggie the family dog is hitting .320,” Beckman coach Kevin Lavalle said.

Ten former USC Song Girls described to The Times a toxic culture within the famed collegiate dance team that included longtime former coach Lori Nelson rebuking women publicly for their eating habits, personal appearance and sex lives.
