
Your Scene: Chicago’s Millennium Park

Los Angeles Times readers, let’s face it: You’ve been around. Obscure places, well-known places. You’ve gone to southwest France, Morocco, Tahiti and Hong Kong, just to mention a few. We can tell. You’ve been sending us your photos. Lots of photos. That’s why we want to start highlighting a few of the most intriguing. Every day, we’ll choose a reader photo to upload and post on our Travel Blog.

Today’s photo of Crown Fountain in Chicago’s Millennium Park was taken by “Robin Z.” The fountain, designed by Spanish artist Jaume Plensa, is composed of a shallow reflecting pool flanked on each end by a 50-foot-tall glass pillar. Each pillar projects one of 1,000 images of Chicago’s residents.

Opened in 2004, the downtown Millennium Park includes art and architecture from other artists and architects such as Anish Kapoor and Frank Gehry.


To view more photos and upload your own, visit our reader travel photo gallery. When you upload your photo, tell us where it was taken and when. The more we know about the photo, the more likely it is that we’ll feature it. To help us credit you properly (sorry, Robin Z), please include your name and city of residence.

And have fun out there!

-- Jason La
