
Talking, resting can ease mental strain

The Mental Health Association of Central Florida is offering free crisis-support sessions for businesses. Counselors will go to the workplace and help employees deal with stress, anxiety, hopelessness and anger. Call 407-855-0588 for more information.

Mental-health tips

FOR ADULTS: Focus first on taking care of core needs such as food and sleep. Don't try to do too much at once. Recognize that it may take time to clear debris and fix damage. Don't hesitate to ask others for help. If anxiety becomes overwhelming or disrupts normal functioning, seek help.

TO HELP CHILDREN: Kids want to feel safe and secure. If they want to talk about the storm, discuss how the family can prepare for hurricanes. Assure them the family is going to be fine.

TO HELP PEOPLE WITH EXISTING MENTAL-HEALTH PROBLEMS: Reassurance and frequent contact by family members can help people with schizophrenia, depression or other disorders get through added stresses.
Sentinel Medical Writer

Even for those who escaped without property damage or lost power, Hurricane Charley could have left a few bruises on the psyche.

Natural disasters often trigger feelings of anxiety, hopelessness, fear and anger as people deal with the aftermath themselves or watch others go through it. Mental-health professionals said Thursday that one of the best ways to deal with the emotional fallout is to share with others.

“Simply talking about your experience can be very cathartic,” said Bob Decker, a licensed mental-health counselor with the Mental Health Association of Central Florida. “It’s important to not hold these feelings inside.”


People who didn’t suffer directly still might have a lingering sense of dread as the television and newspapers continue to show pictures of the hardships others are suffering. They will wonder: What if it happens again? What if my house is hit?

“It’s early yet; we’re all still in a state of shock and numbness from the event,” said Rob Herzog, a licensed mental-health counselor for Florida Hospital. “Whether your house actually got a tree through it or not, that fear is still something we all have to get to the other side of.”

For those in the thick of the pandemonium, the stresses can be overwhelming.

The anxiety may not show up at first as people focus on getting basic needs met. But as the days go on, and the difficulties don’t abate completely, the stress can be hard to ignore. One of the big dangers is pent-up anger.

“That’s what worries me most,” said Juanita Hernandez-Black, president of the mental-health association. “People can have anger about financial debt that they now have, anger that they can’t get help quick enough, anger that they don’t even know what to do in some instances. . . . It’s going to fester; it’s going to grow.”


It’s natural to have these feelings, professionals say, and some people can have trouble curbing them.

Decker suggests the old standbys: Count to 10. Walk away from the situation. Take a few deep breaths. Above all, make sure to take care of the body’s physical needs by eating right and getting sleep. Mental health will only suffer more if the person is weary.

“If you’re not rested, you’re going to be more irritable, and you’re not going to be able to deal with issues as effectively when they come up,” Decker said.


Kids might need special attention. Youngsters are particularly vulnerable to changes in their normal routines, so some disruption in their eating and sleeping habits is normal if their homes have been turned inside out.

If children seem fearful or lose interest in things they normally enjoy, parents should make extra efforts to reassure them. Let them know the family will do everything possible to stay safe in emergencies.

“One of the best things to do is go back to normal as much as possible,” said Michael Freeny, a licensed clinical social worker in Winter Park. “You don’t need to sit down and have a big formal meeting, but you might want to take an opportunity to just ask them how they’re feeling.”

When dealing with either adults or children, people should consider professional help if the problems persist or if someone can’t function normally.

Robyn Shelton can be reached at [email protected] or 407-420-5487.
